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About 2% ~ 3% (Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP 2021)) foetuses are affected by birth defects. Most parents get an ultrasound to check the babies’ progress and to get positive updates about the baby. However, if some defects or diseases are identified in the scans then, it comes as a shock and deeply affects the parents both emotionally and psychologically.

With better equipment, better image resolution, and more knowledge of foetal anatomy and physiology, it is now possible to describe a foetal abnormality in detail.

Antenatal counselling is important for making decisions about whether to keep the pregnancy going, as well as for planning treatment for the fetus’s condition before or after birth, if possible.

Our goals for prenatal counselling for fetal abnormalities are:

  1. If the fetus has abnormalities that are “Lethal” (not compatible with postnatal life).
  2. If the abnormalities can be fixed, whether they can cause a lot of problems after birth or cause a long-term disability.
  3. Fetal conditions that could be treated inside the uterus to prevent illness and death.
  4. Problems with a fetus that need to be investigated or treated after birth and have a good chance of getting better.
  5. The chance that it will happen again in a future pregnancy.
  6. The need to change obstetric care based on the current condition of the fetus and what that means for obstetric decisions in future pregnancies.

At the Fetal medicine Centre, we completely understand your concerns about the high-risk pregnancy and are here to look after the medical hurdles that come your way. We work together with your obstetric team in an open and interactive way to make sure that you get the best of care throughout your pregnancy.